Travel Adventures - Your gateway to thousands of travel pictures from all over the world

Travel Adventures

13487 travel pictures in 1187 stories from 157 countries around the world. Images of people, sights, nature, architecture, cities; pictures of well known spots but also photos of unknown places. All pictures can be downloaded and used as wallpaper for your computer, or sent as a free postcard. They can also be bought for personal or commercial use. Images are also accessible through tags. You can navigate the world using Google Earth.

North America

An easy day trip from Toronto, Beausoleil Island immerses you completely in nature, complete with sweeping views of Georgian Bay and its islands, mosquito bites, and great waters to swim in. Visit North America


The tallest single-drop waterfall of Southern Africa, Maletsunyane Falls drops right off a cliff at the start of a 200 metre canyon. You can approach it both from the top and the bottom. Visit Africa


The most spectacular mountain scenery of Oman can be found around the highest mountain, Jebel Shams, where you can walk along the rim of the Grand Canyon, or feel dwarfed by driving through Wadi Nakhr. Visit Asia


It might seem small compared to the Royal Palace next door, but once you are inside, Almudena Cathedral dwarfs you. It also surprises with its modern religious art. Visit Europe


Sydney owes its fame as a beautiful city mainly to its location on the sea. Visit Oceania

Central&South America

Laid back capital of Dominica, sea-side Roseau is surprisingly small, and its narrow streets and largely wooden houses give you a cosy feeling while walking around. Visit Central&South America


So-called wildlife supermarket of South Georgia, Esenhul offers a wide range of animals which can be seen up close in a setting of rugged terrain. Visit Antarctica

Surprise trip

Click to travel to a surprise destinationWonder where this is?

Picture viewer

You can now directly access all the pictures of your favourite theme! Enlarge the picture or send it as an electronic postcard to someone you care for. See images without stories

Around the World in 80 Clicks - Thousands of pictures from around the world with free e-cards and downloads, travel advice, and much more

Publicity for Around the World in 80 Clicks

Several magazines have written about Around the World in 80 Clicks. Here are some excerpts:

BizRevolution, a Brazilian online magazine, wrote this about (19 October 2001)
Do dia para a noite, Boris Kester - programador de software - decidiu largar tudo e se tornar comissário de bordo de uma companhia aérea. O seu objetivo ? Conhecer o mundo inteiro e documentá-lo neste web site que ele chama de "Volta ao mundo em 80 cliques". Mas atenção, não vá me culpar se você decidir fazer a mesma coisa.

In August, 2001, Yahoo Internet Life Magazine published this short article about Around the World in 80 Clicks:

Yahoo Internet Life Magazine article

A Croatian site wrote this about Around the World in 80 Clicks
Kategorija: Putovanja
Datum: 20.04.2001
"Put oko svijeta u 80 klikova". Boris Kester je odlièan vodiè, a to je najbitnija karakteristika svakoga tko zheli napraviti odlièan site za putovanja. Osim shto aeete ovdje pronaaei fantastiène fotografije egzotiènih lokacija, vashu aee glad za putovanjima po svijetu donekle utazhiti odlièni kratki putopisi o udaljenim mjestima. Èim zaronite u ovaj Borisov svijet, jednostavno aeete morati saznati shto je sve dozhivio na svojim proputovanjima od Kaira, preko Bahraina do Hokkaida.

[Translation:] Travel around the world in 80 clicks! Boris Kester is an excellent tour leader, and that is the most importante characteristic that person who wants to make site about travelling must have. Moreover, you will find here fantastic pictures of exotic locations, and your hunger about travelling around the world will be, in some measure, satisfied with short excellent travel stories about far away places. When you "plunge" into Boris' world, you will get to know about his adventures on his trips from Cairo to Bahrain and on to Hokkaido.

Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter wrote this about Around the World in 80 Clicks: (19 April 2001)
Computer programmer turned flight attendant, Boris Kester, has taken on a third endeavor; documenting his travels around the world through his website Despite the thousands of miles he has traveled, the hundred countries he has visited, and the countless number of tourist attractions he has seen, Boris manages to report on these exotic places with the innocent excitement of a first-time traveler.

He shares his journeys through photographs and personal stories, usually focusing on a piece of art or architecture in each city. The site is self-funded, which empowers it with a quality of sincerity that makes visiting it so special.

Then, Netsurfer Digest commented this about (10 April, 2001)
Boris Kester has the essential characteristic for a successful travel site: he's a great guide. Aside from the very good photographs of exotic places, the well crafted short stories about hidden worlds in far-flung megalopoli, what it comes down to is you just want to see what Boris found last time he hopped a plane to Cairo, or Bahrain, or Hokkaido. This former computer programmer turned flight attendant has a knack for finding truly interesting tourist sites. Despite the hundreds of thousands of miles he's logged on and over every continent, his descriptions are as fresh as any wide-eyed college backpacker's.

Optimum Online: Best of the Web writes:
View the labor of love of a globetrotting flight attendant who's amassed an inspiring collection of photographic essays of his travels in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America.

"Around the World in 80 Clicks: formidable idea. This is a site about which the Internet can be proud. It is a large travelogue that you can share while clicking away with your mouse. You read beautiful stories, discover places you had never heard of, and acquire a lot of knowledge. The site is also visually attractive: splendid pictures come by in a high frequency. Should you not know where to start, and we can imagine that, take a Surprise Trip. Author of this site is Boris Kester. Applause and a deep bow.

Staggering site which takes you for an apparently random trip around the world in word and image. A digital juwel of high calibre!" (From: WebGids, 1st Edition, Autumn 2000)

"This is a site about which the Internet can be proud. 'Around the World in 80 Clicks' is a large travel cronicle of which you become a part by clicking your mouse. Impressive stories, just discovered spots, and an incredible amount of breahtaking pictures. After all, the eye has to be pleased as well. The author of this surprising site, Boris Kester, is a storehouse of information and is willing to share that information with the reader. This digital chronicle is quite large, so if you don't know where to start, it is advisable to take a surprise trip first." (From: Avant Garde, January, 2001)

Then, an article appeared in a South Korean newspaper mentioning among others Around the World in 80 Clicks. This is part of the article dedicated to Around the World in 80 Clicks (whomever can translate this text, please let me know!)

Picture of South Korean newspaper

Picture of South Korean newspaper II

In 2004, the Dutch digital news site published the following on "Making a trip around the world while touching the keys on your keyboard? That's possible on But watch out, because you will keep on clicking on this site. And what's very good, is that the Kinderdijk windmills are well represented on this site. You can also download beautiful screensavers and send a card of your favourite holiday destination to friends, colleagues or family. see:

Killer Startups writes in May 2008: "If you want an impartial travel guide from one man who has made it his life's work to explore the world then you need to check out the web site called It was made by a man called Boris Kester and it contains his views and opinions on all the different places he has visited. Each time he goes traveling he adds to his web site, so it is updating all the time. His site currently contains six hundred and eighty seven stories from one hundred and twelve different countries around the world. Boris has been building the content on this site to give you one mans view of some of the best places he has visited on the planet. The site has a staggering amount of photos as well, nearly six and a half thousand of them are available to view. Browse this site at your leisure or use the search facility if you are looking for a specific place."